Alagille Girl


When she was only a few weeks old, Nikki was diagnosed with a rare medical condition that affects multiple organs and parts of her body. As she grew, a life lived with multiple medical issues soon forced her into a journey of physical, mental and spiritual challenges.

In her short lifespan, this young girl suffered more than a lifetime of trials and tribulations. From a failing liver, being friendless and feeling lonely at school, broken bones and sensory impairments to suicidal thoughts and surviving a near-death episode, Nikki asked the tough and hard questions – Why me God? Why am I sick when my siblings are perfectly healthy? Why not someone else who is stronger?

The future is full of uncertainty. Fear and worry fill Nikki’s mind. Life as an Alagille Girl is a road rarely travelled. Will her current medical condition get even worse? What will be her next medical diagnosis? What’s the good in all this? She must hold on to her faith to survive.

I Pray that My Story Could Change Lives

I am now at a place in my journey where I am ready to share my story with the world.  But, this book is more than a chronicle of my individual journey. It’s my heart laid bare – it’s a testament to how faith in an Almighty God can illuminate the darkest paths and provide strength in moments of weakness. It showcases how, even in the toughest of times, faith can be a guiding force, fostering resilience and growth.

For over three decades, I have navigated through countless physical, emotional and spiritual trials and challenges because of the rare medical condition that I was born with, each moment shaping me into who I am today.

My deepest wish is that my experiences resonate with you, bring you encouragement, inspire strength, and offer hope, no matter what challenges you may face.

Because I want to share my story with as many people as possible, I’ve decided NOT to charge for the digital copy of my book. There could be someone out there who could benefit from reading it but might not be able to afford it. Instead, I’m relying on donations to make my book accessible to everyone

Your support means everything. Every donation, big or small, is a step towards reaching someone who may find solace and strength in my story. By donating, you are helping to spread a message of hope and resilience to those who need it most. Thank you for joining me in this mission.


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This book is also available in hardcover format. Unfortunately, to recover the production, delivery and handling costs, I have no choice but to charge a price for it. For order enquiries, use the form above.