18 years ago, today, I had a life-saving liver transplant surgery. This means, O-liver, is of legal age. Yep, Oliver can do whatever Oliver wanna do. Except drink. No red wine. Only Ribena. 

It’s so amazing how my life extended for another 18 years (and still counting). Although life hasn’t been all sunshines and butterflies after my liver transplant, I still thank God for 18 more years and for the medical team at the Royal Children’s Hospital and Austin Hospital for their care and management of my liver and liver transplant.   

For the past 18 years, I’ve had two liver rejection episodes – 2008 and 2023. The first one, I almost died which I wrote about in my book. The second one, I thought I was going to die and I asked myself (and God), “Is this it?”

I believe that the Lord is not done with me yet. So as long as God wants me to be alive, I know no matter what I’ll be here whether or not a third rejection comes along or a retransplantation is needed in the future. I believe that life is God’s to give and take (Revelations 1:18).