How to care for a patient? Here are seven very practical points/ways on how to care for a P.A.T.I.E.N.T…

Pray for the Patient

The first thing to do when caring for a patient is to pray for the patient. This means praying in your own quiet time or praying with the patient wherever they are. 

Why pray for the patient?

It is important to pray for the patient because prayer works and the Bible encourages us to do so. Plus, the patient may need support, spiritually. 

When someone is sick, in hospital, terminally ill, or living with a chronic condition they are, of course, physically affected. Besides the physical, the patient can also be mentally and/or spiritually affected too. We musn’t forget this as it is easy to just focus on the physical and neglect the mental and/or spiritual aspects. So, when we pray, don’t just pray for physical healing or for the sickness to go away. Instead, pray for all three aspects of the human condition. Pray for the patient’s physical health, mental health and spiritual health. 

What to pray for when praying for the patient?

Pray and ask God for perspective. Perhaps there’s something to gain spiritually in the midst of physical pain/suffering. Pray also for peace upon the patient and patient’s family. Pray that the medical team will be filled with God’s wisdom and guidance.  

Ultimately, and most importantly, pray for God’s preferred will to be done, because we do not know what is best for the patient. Only God knows. His ways are not our ways. His thoughts are higher than our thoughts.


Ask About the Patient’s Medical Condition

Time to Visit the Patient

Include Others When Caring for the Patient

Encourage the Patient to Get Better

Normalise the Patient’s Situation

Talk to the Patient About Other Stuff